Comic Books Reader

Install and read your comic books quickly!

Read Comics Now

Work with Google Drive
Easy to open and read

Install the Comics Book Reader add-on at the Chrome store and read your comics which are located on your Google Drive

So what we do offer?

Support cbr, cbz, cbt
Open Quickly

Open From Computer
Open From Drive

Read your favorite comic books now. You can read your comic books directly. Simply open your comic books which are located on your Google Drive. We support many formats such as cbr, cbz and cbt. Read your comics now.

Safety first!

You care about privacy. We care about privacy. That's why all files are deleted from our server after you reload the page. Check our privacy policy for more information.

All in the cloud

Our servers in the cloud process your files and you don't need to install anything on your computer. Isn't that great?

Works with Google Drive

You can open files from your PC or Google Drive.

What people say?

Sally Giffith

“Very good simple and straight to the point. I can use it on my pc or tablet. Very good indeed!”

Qi Zhang

“I can read my comic book library collected for many years, how wonderful!”

Ganpat Mahobiya

“Your application works very fast, thanks!”

Tj Nelson

“It's easy to read a comic book, everything works very well.”